Tax relief services that are offered can be a very useful service for individuals that have run into problems with their taxes. If you were sued and had to go to court you could always represent yourself, however you would be better served by hiring a well-qualified attorney. Likewise with tax resolution services… you can represent yourself with the IRS or you can hire a professional that has years of experience working with the IRS. Of course there are costs associated with hiring a tax resolution company, but the benefits received from these services usually outweigh the costs.

Most tax resolution services will offer you a free consultation during which time you will speak with a tax resolution representative. Typically, the consultation is no longer than 30 mins. A qualified tax professional should be asking you many questions about your current tax situation and financial situation to find out what options you have and your likely outcome. During your consultation, you should be able to get a good sense of what service and benefits you would receive from from using the tax firm to resolve your tax problems as well as associated costs. For more information please call a dedicated tax resolution expert at 877-782-9383 or visit the IRS.com website directly.

Once you have decided to have Patriot Tax Professionals represent you, your case will be assigned to our team of qualified tax professionals… Enrolled Agents, Tax Attorneys or Certified Public Accountants. Typically, we will ask you to sign a power of attorney to allow our tax professionals to represent you before the IRS and so we can request transcripts from the IRS in order to see what the IRS records show for you. Once a power of attorney is on file with the IRS, all contact regarding your case will be handled directly between the IRS and Patriot Tax Professionals. We call this our “Discovery Phase”.

Once the tax resolution process begins your tax professional will ensure that you are first in full compliance with all tax filings. In most instances, the IRS will not work on a settlement for your case unless you are in full compliance and have filed all past due tax returns. Once you are in full compliance, your dedicated tax professional will find the most practical tax settlement or resolution method (e.g.: installment agreement, offer in compromise, penalty abatement, innocent spouse relief) and that has a likelihood of being accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. Remember, this is a lengthy process and that the IRS moves slowly, but you can be assured that matters are moving forward and in the correct manner.

Once the IRS or State approves the filings, your resolution will be complete and the IRS will be completely off your back. Your account will remain in good standing with the IRS or State so long as you continue to file your returns on time and comply with the terms of your settlement. Here at Patriot Tax Professionals, we will also help advise you on ways to ensure you remain in compliance so that you avoid future tax problems.