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About the wiretaps. That's not quite right. It's good that we have a right-wing and a left-wing and everything in between, and we need to fight with each other to progress as a nation. You cite Saddam as an example of that (he was an America-positive dictator for a while remember). I personally would have them do a lot less of the jobs they do over there. Now that they’ve given up on the actual purpose of this war – the spread of Democracy throughout the Middle East through the use of American military force – the war’s supporters are defining victory in terms of stability. And so happy Christmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young. Nation building has never worked well.”. WMD threat? If we think of democracy as a spectrum based on the number of people directly involved in making policy decisions…. Our policies have consequences. Moreover they do not as a rule condemn violence as such, but only violence used in defence of western countries. it is not because of our presence there, whether or not the soldiers are not going out on patrols. I understand the argument that if that liberal Iraq can be established, it can be used as evidence to the Muslim world that we don’t want to conquer them (as well as being profoundly better model of governance for the rest of the region). Just because you feel an argument is unsophisticated, doesn’t make it so. Of course not! I just think that the U.S. has no business having troops stationed world-wide. Explain your “illusion” theory. OTH, if our troops aided local leaders in fighting the bad guys and provided the right amount of pressure to not fuck with economical freedom. Plus: White House responds about missing migrant parents, Florida's failing foster care system, and more... Elizabeth Nolan Brown | 10.22.2020 9:30 AM. Which is true, if you are speaking of the freedom of Americans. And then go on to claim that Democracy/not Democracy is a dichotomous distinction. But that’s what it took, so they swallowed hard and paid up. “It is certainly true that the war in Iraq has been mishandled; it may have been misguided in the first place. I guess that “Not so” is a valid rebuttal to why OBL’s videos read like a Democratic talking points memo and that at every juncture the Left puts up roadblocks to America coming out on top in this struggle. I don’t think the jury is in on much of that. Egypt? In the US, the original intent of “all men” clearly didn’t mean what it does today. “…they would probably enjoy 24 hours of electricity……Much of the gains is just trying to get back to pre-war level of services”, Hate to break it to you, but not even the wealthiest in Iraq (except Saddam’s inner circle perhaps) had electricity 24 hours a day before the war. It is hardly a great insight into our society that you can be jailed for breaking the law. The politicians, the military leaders, the press they lie to ensure the civilian population will agree to let our government kill and destroy other peoples lives (our soldiers and their families and civilians in sovereign countryies). The Ministry of Truth has quite a few of my fellow posters snookered. Notice how he chided the Cubans the other day to rise up against Castro and Raoul, speaking separately to civilians and then soldiers-government. Libertarians have many valuable things to say about preserving personal freedoms. Who are the “powerful” you mention? Repeating the false assertion doesn’t make it true. Brian Doherty is a senior editor at Reason and author of Ron Paul's Revolution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired (Broadside Books). And talk about how you are greedy for wanting such a thing and that society needs it. Some government bureaucrat listening to me talk dirty is not so huge. However, as we can adapt, so can they. Until someone can figure out how to measure this nonsense (say in the same way conventional war uses moving lines of battle) no one’s going budge from what they themselves believe is real, right or wrong. American politics seems less than responsive to this supposedly singular antiwar feeling of the people. Quoting her to most of us is no more persuasive than quoting anyone else. It fact the only seems to have failed when we have given up, as in South Vietnam. *, Bush sees Iran as much a threat to blocking victory in Iraq as it is a trumped up nuclear threat … all those Mullah minions crashing his party … he’ll start that war just to save face in the first one …. Oh, boo hoo. If you so choose, feel free to never speak a civil word to a conservative for the rest of your life. Success may be just around the corner.”. What do you mean by the Ministry of Truth and news machine? Also, the fact that the administration exaggerated or ignored evidence of WMD’s, and pushed the CIA to support its claims, which helps. Although war is hell and nation building is worse, nation building has often worked out well for the world. Not very convincing. “While it might be possible to argue that there was no way anyone could have known when we started this little adventure, that we’d end up here–I’d advise arguing that around here.”, Should read, “While it might be possible to argue that there was no way anyone could have known when we started this little adventure, that we’d end up here–I’d advise [against] arguing that around here.”. But I’ve been wrong before. As shown in the great national votes of 2005 and the noisy celebrations of the Iraq football team's success in July, Iraq survived the Saddam Hussein era with a sense of national unity; even the Kurds—whose reluctant commitment to autonomy rather than full independence is in no danger of changing—celebrated. Democracy occurs when “the people” recognize that fact and use their greater numbers to take control. I would say the instigation of force was the attacks on 9/11. I say the war ended with the capture of Saddam. There is a fatal flaw in your reasoning here. Scott Walker promised thousands of jobs in return for billions of dollars in subsidies from the state. If private industry is doing the weapons selling then all we need to do is get the workers to unionize, and then Japan will surpass us shortly. Also, I agree with you on principle. “What we are doing now is nation building. We do the exact opposite globally of what we say we stand for at home. Here in peace-loving Canada, enjoying life under the military canopy of our American neighbours, we still managed to budget $22 billion for defense last year. “Ayn Rand didn’t foresee all future threats, and the idea an army can just sit behind bunkers on the beach no longer matches reality.”. War is a Racket plain and simple. The democratically elected government of Iraq is already beholden to Iran. But these are world-class journalists working for vaunted legacy publications, they should know better. “My post from 11:50, though targeted at Japan, also applies to Germany. Doherty, did you fight in Iraq? Free trade with all of them, prop up the dictators of none of them. Let’s not bicker and argue about who killed who. Examples are many for each principle. You are correct, I earned a BS (bachelor’s in sillyness) in history. A major mistake. They believe that our government can do no wrong and frankly that is foolish. Earlier you said democracy was an illusion. But if you give $1000 to a thug that then uses it to establishe a criminal gang, you are a fool who shouldn’t be surprised when the thug shows up at your door and does you harm. 5 to 6 years where peace and prosperity are continuously increasing, I don’t know.

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