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Түүнээс хойш Түрэг болон өвөг Монгол хэлтэй олон улс ээлжлэн оршин байсан бөгөөд 13-р зууны эхээр тархай Монгол аймгуудыг Чингис хаан нэгтгэж Их Монгол Улс байгуулагдсан. Extinguished in 763, with the death of An Lushan's former subordinate, Shi Siming's son, Shi Chaoyi, who was the last person to claim the title as Yan's emperor. Guo Wei, a Han Chinese, served as the Assistant Military Commissioner at the court of the Later Han, a regime ruled by Shatuo Turks. 1924 оны үндсэн хуулиар Бүгд Найрамдах Монгол Ард Улс нэртэй болж, ЗСБНХУ-ын нөлөөгөөр эв хамт улс төрийн дэглэм, нийгэм журмын эдийн засгаар замнасан. Unavailable to its rivals in the North China Plain. It is a popular tourist destination, featuring the eastern end of the main line of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. Газар нутгийн хэмжээгээр дэлхийд 19 дэх дэсд эрэмбэлэгдэх 1,564,116 ам дөрвөлжин километр нутаг нь дунджаар далайн түвшнээс дээш 1,580 метр өндөрт өргөгдсөн байдаг ба хүн амын нягтрал хамгийн сийрэг улс юм. the Shun Dynasty lasts a decade or two, and then the Manchus conquer --much as iOTL, just a bit later. Wikipedia, This will create an email alert. The Ming dynasty ended when Shun forces led by Li Zicheng captured Beijing and the last Ming emperor Chongzhen committed suicide. Wikipedia, Autonomous Tusi chiefdom ruled Lesser Jinchuan during Qing dynasty. The Shun dynasty was an imperial dynasty created in the brief lapse from Ming to Qing rule in China. Wikipedia, Nakhi autonomous Tusi chiefdom ruled Lijiang during Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty. On April 24, 1644, Beijing fell to a rebel army led by Li Zicheng, a former minor Ming official who became the leader of the peasant revolt, who then proclaimed the Shun dynasty. Short-lived dynasty that existed during the Ming–Qing transition in Chinese history. Юань улс унасны дараа XIV зууны үеэс Монголчууд Цагаан хэрэмнээс хойших орондоо дотооддоо дайн самуунтай бага хаадын үеийг туулжээ. Wikipedia, Short-lived imperial dynasty of China of pivotal significance. The east, south and north sides are surrounded by a deep, wide moat. Wikipedia, Empire and imperial dynasty in East Asia that ruled from 916 to 1125 over present-day Northern and Northeast China, Mongolia and portions of the Russian Far East and North Korea. Unpaid and unfed, the army was defeated by Li Zicheng – now self-styled as the Prince of Shun – and deserted the capital without much of a fight. The walls reach a height of 14 meters, and are 7 meters thick. Wikipedia, State established in 756 by the Tang Dynasty general An Lushan, after he rebelled against the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang in 755. Ming-Qing Transition includes the interluding/overlapping periods of the brief so-called Shun dynasty (also known as Dashun, 1644–1645) and the Southern Ming dynasty (1644 to 1662). Li proclaimed himself the Emperor of the Shun dynasty. The Manchus quickly seized Beijing, and eventually defeated both the rebel-founded Shun dynasty and the remaining Ming resistance, establishing the Qing dynasty rule over all of China. Wikipedia, Chinese dynasty which lasted from 9 to 23 CE. At its height, the Ming Dynasty had a population of 160… …   Wikipedia, Tibet during the Ming Dynasty — The exact nature of Sino Tibetan relations during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) of China is unclear. Diberdayakan oleh. In April 1644, it was captured by rebel forces led by Li Zicheng, who proclaimed himself emperor of the Shun dynasty. Often considered an interregnum period of the Han dynasty, dividing it into the Western Han and the Eastern Han. * Li Zicheng (1606-1645), rebel leader that established Shun Dynasty. After the fall of the Ming dynasty in 1644 and the routing of the Shun army in the Battle of Shanhai Pass merely a day later, the Manchus successfully entered the Shanhai Pass to establish the Qing dynasty in China proper, with the capital relocated to Beijing. The state only existed for a short period of time between 1122 and 1123. Li Zicheng (22 September 1606 – 1645), born Li Hongji, also known by the nickname, "Dashing King", was a Chinese rebel leader who overthrew the Ming dynasty in 1644 and ruled over northern China briefly as the emperor of the short-lived Shun dynasty before his death a year later. Founded when emperor Trần Thái Tông ascended to the throne after his uncle Trần Thủ Độ orchestrated the overthrow of the Lý dynasty. Wikipedia, Semi-autonomous feudal Turkic khanate within the Qing dynasty and then the Republic of China until it was abolished by Xinjiang governor Jin Shuren in 1930. Монгол (95%), Казах (4.9%), Тува ард түмнээс бүрдэх 2.75 сая хүн амтай. Нүүрс, төмрийн хүдэр, зэс зэрэг ашигт малтмал баялаг. The Shun Dynasty only lasted two months in China, but it still managed to find its way to these pages by deposing the ruling Ming Dynasty and setting the scene for the Q’ing Dynasty. Wikipedia, Mosuo autonomous Tusi chiefdom during Ming and Qing dynasty. He was the grandson of Seonjo, son of Grandprince Jeongwon(정원군). In April 1644, the capital, Beijing, was sacked by a coalition of rebel forces led by Li Zicheng, a former minor Ming official, who established a short-lived Shun dynasty. Founded by Yi Seong-gye in July 1392 and was replaced by the Korean Empire in October 1897. Rebel Li Zicheng proclaimed himself as emperor of China under this dynastic banner, but it only lasted from April to May 1644. Wikipedia, The Jin dynasty, officially known as the Great Jin, lasted from 1115 to 1234 as one of the last dynasties in Chinese history to predate the Mongol conquest of China. Wikipedia, State of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. For other uses, see Qing (disambiguation). Wikipedia, Short-lived dynastic regime in Northeast China that existed between 1216 and 1219. Written on a board that hangs above the gate is an alternate name of Shanhai Pass, "First Pass Under the Heaven" (天下第一关).

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