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Following are the methods that help us check Boolean conditions. Please modify the customerMatcher.js file accordingly.

The detailed environment setup will be described in the next chapter named “Environment setup”. Following is an example of a complete describe block.

Let us modify the customerMatcher.js file accordingly. Step 1 − Go to the official website of jasmine The following example will help us understand the working methodology of Jasmine toContain() method. It comes under IT block. If everything goes well then this piece of code will yield the following output. Let us create one spec file like the following. We will modify the previous example using “x” just before it statement. toBeCloseTo() matcher matches whether the actual value is close to the expected value. So we can consider this step as an end of our BDD application. The user can easily use it implicitly. As seen earlier, not is nothing but a negation of the toBe() method. In the above piece of code, we want person object to say “Hello world” but we also want that person object should consult with dictionary object to give us the output literal “Hello world”. This piece of code will test whether “com” is present in the expected String given. Following are the matchers used for this purpose. In the example toEqual() is the inbuilt matcher which will compare the result of the add() and addAny() methods with the arguments passed to toEqual() matchers.

Now to make this fail, we need to assign some bigger number to the variable exp. As the name suggests this matcher helps to check greater than condition. This node.js module makes the wonderful Pivotal Lab's jasmine spec framework (version 1) available in node.js. In NetBeans, go to File → New Project → Html5/JS application and create a project. Although this function is not present in the person object in spy Jasmine.js, we are not getting any error and hence the output is green and positive. Matchers are the JavaScript function that does a Boolean comparison between an actual output and an expected output. In this piece of code, we are checking whether the value of this variable is less than 5 or not.

Definitely this is going to be fail as there is no such file or function present in our project that can be tested. Jasmine provides a different variety of method to check whether the actual output is Null, defined or undefined. In the upcoming chapter, we will discuss different types of Jasmine test scenarios.

All you need to download is the standalone library files from the official website and implement the same in your application. After creating the demo project all you need to do is include the unzip folder of Jasmine library in the Unit Tests folder of the created application. One Suite block can have only two parameters, one “name of that suite” and another “Function declaration” that actually makes a call to our unit functionality that is to be tested. Hence, it will pass the test case but after running the first it block, Jasmine compile ran the afterEach() block, which makes the value of the currentVal to 5. The matchers which are inbuilt in the Jasmine framework are called inbuilt matcher. Jasmine can be used using a number of programming languages but today we are going to take a look at how to use it with Node.js. Jasmine provides a special matcher to check this special type of testing scenario that is toBeNaN(). The following flowchart depicts the different phases of BDD framework. This file can be refactored unlimited times until all the functionalities are tested.

Our environment setup is done.

We will assign 25 as the value to the exp, which will definitely throw an error and yield the following screenshot in red. In the above code, let's modify the expected value to 15 and run SpecRunner.html. One IT block can have more than one Expect block. The new customerMatcher.js looks like the following. We will modify the above example to show how this works. If we pass a number which is larger than 10, then this green test will change to red.

As it does not exist in the expected string, it will throw an error and the output screen will be red accordingly. Jasmine does not depend on any other JavaScript framework.

The following example will help you understand the basic working principles of toBeFalsy(). spyOn() is inbuilt into the Jasmine library which allows you to spy on a definite piece of code. Jasmine is a testing framework for JavaScript. Project status. In the following example, we will learn how this works. These techniques can be applied at the Spec level or the Suite level. As can be seen, we have commented that line from where our method was throwing the exception. All the syntax used in Jasmine framework is clean and obvious. After creating a JavaScript file append the following set of code inside the file. Jasmine provides plenty of methods which help us check the equality of any JavaScript function and file. Following examples show how to implement sequential check using Jasmine. Step 4 − Once you are redirected to github release page, download the Zip file from there. In the expect block, the toBeNull() matcher will check this value and give us the result accordingly. To implement a failure case we need to write a failure test case. In this phase, we will prepare our JavaScript file or function that needs to be tested. We have two files to be tested named as “expectexam.js” and another one through which we need to test is “expectSpec.js”. The /lib directory contains Jasmine library, the JavaScript code to be tested goes inside the /src directory, and the specs inside the /spec directory. Step 2 − Click on any of the version link. Step 1 − Create a Web application in your IDE. This piece of code will generate the following output. The above code will generate the following output. Apart from equality check, Jasmine provides some methods to check Boolean conditions too. In the following example, we will see how the custom matcher works. It behaves exactly opposite to that of toBeGreaterThan() matcher. Jasmine is a testing framework, hence it always aims to compare the result of the JavaScript file or function with the expected result. Hence, this piece of code will generate the following green screenshot. toBeFalsy() also works the same way as toBeTruthy() method.

As we are passing number 5, which is smaller than 10, this test case will pass and give us the following output. While deleting those JavaScript file, we need to delete the reference of those files inside our output html file that is SpecRunner.html. Following screenshot is our test result where the red cross depicts that these two values are not equal, whereas it is expected to be equal. The above code will pass the Jasmine test case as we are passing value more than 10 and expected the output to be false. You will be redirected to the homepage of the selected version. This is the file which we will test through Jasmine. Let us create a new spec file “spyJasmineSpec.js” and another js file named as “spyJasmine.js”. Now our application is ready to be tested by Jasmine framework.

As currentVal is defined to 0 in the beginning, this test will pass and generate a green screenshot as an output.

In the above example, validateAge() works as a matcher which is actually validating your age with some range. Step 6 − Now Create a web application project in your favorite IDE and add this downloaded library files into the application. All you need to download is the standalone library files from the official website and implement the same in your application. Now let us again modify the code with the following logic, where we will assign one variable exp to 25 and expect the result is not a number one dividing it with 5. Following is the output of the above code. Following are some examples to check equality conditions. Jasmine is an open-source framework and easily available in different versions like stand-alone, ruby gem, Node.js, etc. There are two different types of matchers, one inbuilt matcher and another user defined matchers. jasmine. In our upcoming examples, we will go through many describe blocks to understand the working flow of Jasmine suite block. Before learning the working principle of Jasmine, let us know what is the BDD framework. In the second expect block, we are checking whether the value of the currentVal is equal to 5 as the value of currentVal is zero hence our test passes and provides us with a green output. Let us modify our customerMatcher.js with the following code.

In this phase, we will make our environment ready for Jasmine application. This functionality is very useful for running the common code in the application. After creating the project, the project directory should look like the following screenshot. Using these two functionalities, we can execute some pieces of code before and after execution of each spec. Like the previous example, we have one variable having value as “4”. The matchers get setup in the call to setupCoreMatchers in the Env constructor.
Let us modify our customerMatcherSpec.js file according to this example.

Matcher works similarly in Jasmine framework. This matcher is used to check whether any variable in the code is predefined or not. Custom matcher needs to be defined explicitly(). There are two types of spying technology available in Jasmine.

It fails when the expected result matches with the actual output of the function or JavaScript file.

Let us do that and test the application. Following are the advantages of using Jasmine over other available JavaScript testing frameworks −.

In this step, we will create another JavaScript file which will contain the test case for the above-mentioned JavaScript file. Jasmine is very easy to implement in any kind of development methodology.

Let us create a new spec file “spyJasmineSpec.js” and another js file named as “spyJasmine.js”. In the above Describe block, we are checking whether the actual result “12.3” is closer to the expected output “12.34” or not.

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