Click here to drop me a note. As the badly injured adventurers leaned against the bar downstairs, gasping for breath, Connor turned to the bartender, asking “shouldn’t someone come to investigate when a fight breaks out?” The bartender pointed at Connor’s Flaming Fist deputy badge: “I think there’s a group for that, they’re called the Flaming Fists. Only a very few returned, sealing the portal behind them. Meanwhile, the scheming Vanthampur family of Baldur’s Deep looks like a poor copy of last year’s model.

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Our friends from RPGMY, D&DMY and DM Academia ventured forth into the boisterous taverns and grimy streets of Baldur’s Gate to save the city from evil. [15], The city was split into two districts: an upper city known as the High District and a lower city known as the Dock District.

Ultimately, Tarina is only loyal to herself. Luri, a half-elf Flaming Fist and former Hellrider. Elturel was swiftly liberated from their dead grip.

Still, it offers a chance for some serious drama and roleplaying challenges. [14][9][10] The High District spread over the slopes of a rising, defensible hill with a rocky cliff on its south side, where it met the Chionthar. By the late 15th century DR, Elturel served as the capital of the realm now known as Elturgard. Elturel

There’s nothing wrong with the way the “With Friends Like These” encounter in the Elfsong plays out in the official adventure.

Sneering at the adventurers, the outlaws walked out. Note, this article contains spoilers for Descent into Avernus. [15], The canal began at Maiden's Leap in the north and ran east and south within the walls before joining the Chionthar. However, fighting was bad for business, and Elturian rogues made poor and less-resilient combatants.

[50], Elturian wizards, meanwhile, were safer in the saddle, being skilled at attacking from their mounts.

Surprisingly, help came—the rogue angel Zariel (desiring to destroy devils and demons and to have a mortal army to fight for her in the Blood War) came to Elturel the next day, declaring she'd found the gate in the Fields of the Dead west of Elturel through which the devils were pouring, and that she would lead the cavalry through to defeat them where they mustered.

Elturel suspended between the Companion and the Styx.

In the popular D&D hardcover adventure Descent into Avernus the characters travel into the first layer of hell to save the city of Elturel which has fallen through Faerun into the realm of fire and blood. Up until recently, Elturel was a city on a hill. How did it happen? Milt, a half-orc forge cleric of Torm and member of the Order of the Gauntlet. [1] However, the people commonly worshiped Torm, Helm, Lathander, Amaunator, and Tyr. [8][10] There were a number of farmers' markets. While this religious zealotry and inquisitions are made explicit in the write-up of Elturgard in the 4.

It features a slew of creators in the podcast community, including acclaimed series The Broadswords and the Singaporean team of Royal Nerd Theatre.

It also introduces three new background options—members of the Flaming Fist, Hellriders, and the Order of the Gauntlet—that tie the characters more heavily to the campaign. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. [16][16], Around 1489 DR, Kreeg was aging and another leadership transition was expected soon. Your contribution and interest in our game means a lot to us ♥️. In Descent into Avernus, a sinister bargain pulls the holy city of Elturel from the Forgotten Realms into Avernus, one of the Nine Hells on the front line of the Blood War. It stood overlooking the River Chionthar, constantly illuminated by the Companion.

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In Descent into Avernus, a sinister bargain pulls the holy city of Elturel from the Forgotten Realms into Avernus, one of the Nine Hells on the front line of the Blood War. Elturian Grey, Elturel's favorite cheese. [8][10] As well as significant raids, expeditions, and punitive assaults on aggressive demihumans were commanded by Lord Dhelt, the High Rider, or by the High Watcher of Helm Berelduin Shondar. (B&G is currently selling a Silver Edition of the adventure right now, which includes this awesome map on canvas paper!).

The next day, the Malarites were themselves hunted down in revenge. By canal it formed a moat for the eastern Dock District, before it joined the Chionthar. In this encounter, Tarina isn’t concerned that her former pirate crew from the Uncivil Servant are in the city; in fact, they’re probably miles away. [10][16] In event of war, plague, or orc horde, farmers of the Fields of the Dead could take refuge in the city; the warehouses and cellars could briefly shelter over 400,000 people. On the other hand, the book doesn’t make Tarina’s death a dead end. There was much animosity between them, but while Elturgard expected to have to deal with Baldur's Gate one day, neither was looking forward to an armed conflict. [9] All Hellriders were required to give a tenth of their earnings to Elturel's coffers. It seems as though after her defeat, she became an archdevil, although the method of which is still a mystery. [1][30] Many of the Hellriders now aspired to join the Companions. Each night the good people of Elturel prayed to the gods that dawn might come more swiftly. [24] A third account expanded on this. [27] When she thought them ready, in the Year of the Bow, 1354 DR, Zariel, riding her golden mastodon Lulu, led them out of the city, with the cheers and good wishes of the Elturians behind them, and embarked on the Ride, a glorious mounted charge through the gate into Avernus.

Then, one night so devastating it felt like the end, it did. Amrik, one of the villainous sponsors of the Dead Three cultists, uses it as a front for his business. [8], In the late 1400s DR, Elturel was the capital of Elturgard, the Kingdom of the Two Suns, a realm that included Berdusk, Iriaebor, Scornubel, Soubar, and Triel, as well as many farms and villages along the roads of the Western Heartlands that were claimed and protected. [15], The city was not all utilitarian. Elturian[3][4] She’s on the run from an old pirate crew that she may have stolen from, so she asks the characters to hang around a while and beat up some pirate bandits in exchange for the down low. [54], In turn, all true warriors of Elturel were most likely Hellriders. Thousands of cattle and sheep were assembled in Elturel every year for trade across Faerûn. ( Log Out /  Flaming Fists.

Exports Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus has arrived, and we’ve played the first chapter!

NOTE: will be changing to (the domain is already linked) by summer 2020. This includes being well connected with Reya Mantlemorn, a captain of the Hellriders. A character who succeeds on a DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check can tell from the poor condition of Olos’ clothing that he is a refugee. [14][8][9][10][15] They maintained guardhouses in the Fields of the Dead and warning beacons in the surrounding farmlands. [1], In the 1480s DR, Leosin Erlanthar and adventurers working with him traveled to Elturel to meet with Ontharr Frume, a paladin of Torm and representative of the Order of the Gauntlet, to discuss recent actions of the Cult of the Dragon. [51][note 8], In the mid-1300s DR, Elturel was home to two major temples: Helm's Shieldhall and the High Harvest Home.

[10] Otherwise, there were no Elturian thieves' guilds—Lord Dhelt would not allow it. [1] The best of the paladins was appointed ruler of Elturel, titled the High Observer. Hunt for cultists of the Dead Three in the outskirts of Elturel while the negotiation continues. The streets are mostly deserted, with most survivors hunkering down in buildings, and occasional fiends and undead in the open. [1][15][16], In the mid–14th century DR, the people of the region spoke the Thorasta language,[5] which was related to Chondathan. Characters could also use it as an opportunity to infiltrate the cult. [56], Lord Dhelt decreed that inns and taverns could not operate under the same roof, nor could inns serve drinks, so in Elturel these were distinctly different businesses. These paladins swore to uphold the Creed Resolute (see below). Torn from the land, the city was fractured in twain along the ravine that ran through the city. Large city[2] They also tutored each other and other adventurers. Lil’ Bit, a faceless gnome artificer whose persona is a luchadora named La Rama. Clever players may try to take advantage of a three-way struggle in the blasted Hellscape, between Zariel’s legions, invading demon hordes, and followers of the dragon queen Tiamat. [19], In the Year of the Cold Soul, 1281 DR, a beast-cult of Malar smuggled caged monsters into Elturel and unleashed them in the streets one night. History

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( Log Out /  The sun rises and goes back down, the rains come and go, and shoppers can be seen in greater numbers. [14][9][10][2][1][15][16] This was both a good defensive position and a good crossing-point, as the river below was narrow, shallow, and easily traversed by poling barges; the city was founded here for this advantage. Four bridges crossed it. by Mike Shea on 11 May 2020. Before the heroes could return, they were spirited to Barovia, in the Demiplane of Dread.

We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Consider supporting me by buying one of my products on the DMs Guild, such as Elminster’s Candlekeep Companion. Descent into Avernus’ first chapter suffers from comparison with last year’s urban adventure for D&D, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. [14][8][9][10][2] In the late 15th century DR, it was the capital of the realm of Elturgard, a theocracy of Torm the True and defended by its paladin knighthood, the Order of the Companion.

Only the High Observer knew if this was truly a blessing of the sun god Amaunator. Let it matter this time”. He was vigilant on defense and preventing crime, and in keeping the city clean and lawful.

Head to Candlekeep and learn the fate of Elturel.

They can also learn of the conspirators who caused it and where to go to save the trapped city. It flowed north across the tor’s top and then down one of its cliffs in a series of waterfalls called the Maidens’ Leap. Its dockside areas were among the safest in Faerûn, thanks to their organization, the loyalty of the handlers guild, and the alert Hellrider patrols. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There were two gates, on the northwest and northeast sides.

Without their ceremonial garb, however, they draw no more suspicion than any of the other patrons. [53], In the 14th century, it was said that every boy and girl of Elturel and the lands around dreamed of being a Hellrider some day, even those whose talents lay in the intellectual more than the martial arts. To call such a child a "hellion" was not an insult but a compliment, marking one as having the courage and drive to ride the Hellriders' destriers. Elturel regarded Baldur's Gate as lawless and corrupt, and disapproved of its religious tolerance. Buying the booklet gets you the latest PDF files as well. In this outstanding small introductory adventure the characters begin in Elturel and hunt cultists of the Dead Three outside of the city before witnessing the city's fall into Avernus. In all, it was said that a company of Riders had once ridden into the Hells themselves—namely Avernus, the first layer—and from this story, the Hellriders were named. You’re not in Elturgard anymore, little singer!”. If we begin our campaign with Fall of Elturel as the lead-in to Descent into Avernus and begin the characters with strong ties to both the Hellriders and to Reya Mantlemorn we can come to a different quest arc for the first chapter of this adventure. The characters proceed to the bathhouse (see “The Dungeon of the Dead Three” in chapter 1 of Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus).

Click here to drop me a note. As the badly injured adventurers leaned against the bar downstairs, gasping for breath, Connor turned to the bartender, asking “shouldn’t someone come to investigate when a fight breaks out?” The bartender pointed at Connor’s Flaming Fist deputy badge: “I think there’s a group for that, they’re called the Flaming Fists. Only a very few returned, sealing the portal behind them. Meanwhile, the scheming Vanthampur family of Baldur’s Deep looks like a poor copy of last year’s model.

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Our friends from RPGMY, D&DMY and DM Academia ventured forth into the boisterous taverns and grimy streets of Baldur’s Gate to save the city from evil. [15], The city was split into two districts: an upper city known as the High District and a lower city known as the Dock District.

Ultimately, Tarina is only loyal to herself. Luri, a half-elf Flaming Fist and former Hellrider. Elturel was swiftly liberated from their dead grip.

Still, it offers a chance for some serious drama and roleplaying challenges. [14][9][10] The High District spread over the slopes of a rising, defensible hill with a rocky cliff on its south side, where it met the Chionthar. By the late 15th century DR, Elturel served as the capital of the realm now known as Elturgard. Elturel

There’s nothing wrong with the way the “With Friends Like These” encounter in the Elfsong plays out in the official adventure.

Sneering at the adventurers, the outlaws walked out. Note, this article contains spoilers for Descent into Avernus. [15], The canal began at Maiden's Leap in the north and ran east and south within the walls before joining the Chionthar. However, fighting was bad for business, and Elturian rogues made poor and less-resilient combatants.

[50], Elturian wizards, meanwhile, were safer in the saddle, being skilled at attacking from their mounts.

Surprisingly, help came—the rogue angel Zariel (desiring to destroy devils and demons and to have a mortal army to fight for her in the Blood War) came to Elturel the next day, declaring she'd found the gate in the Fields of the Dead west of Elturel through which the devils were pouring, and that she would lead the cavalry through to defeat them where they mustered.

Elturel suspended between the Companion and the Styx.

In the popular D&D hardcover adventure Descent into Avernus the characters travel into the first layer of hell to save the city of Elturel which has fallen through Faerun into the realm of fire and blood. Up until recently, Elturel was a city on a hill. How did it happen? Milt, a half-orc forge cleric of Torm and member of the Order of the Gauntlet. [1] However, the people commonly worshiped Torm, Helm, Lathander, Amaunator, and Tyr. [8][10] There were a number of farmers' markets. While this religious zealotry and inquisitions are made explicit in the write-up of Elturgard in the 4.

It features a slew of creators in the podcast community, including acclaimed series The Broadswords and the Singaporean team of Royal Nerd Theatre.

It also introduces three new background options—members of the Flaming Fist, Hellriders, and the Order of the Gauntlet—that tie the characters more heavily to the campaign. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. [16][16], Around 1489 DR, Kreeg was aging and another leadership transition was expected soon. Your contribution and interest in our game means a lot to us ♥️. In Descent into Avernus, a sinister bargain pulls the holy city of Elturel from the Forgotten Realms into Avernus, one of the Nine Hells on the front line of the Blood War. It stood overlooking the River Chionthar, constantly illuminated by the Companion.

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