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A bottle a day? Noi e i nostri partner memorizzeremo e/o accederemo ai dati sul tuo dispositivo attraverso l'uso di cookie e tecnologie simili, per mostrare annunci e contenuti personalizzati, per la misurazione di annunci e contenuti, per l'analisi dei segmenti di pubblico e per lo sviluppo dei prodotti. Yahoo fa parte del gruppo Verizon Media. I would be there for him as much as you can, but the person who is stressing/hurting here is you, and you can't do anything about it. If you went out two nights in a row and can tolerate about 7-8 drinks (defined as 1 shot of liquor either straight/mixed or a beer) per night then you no its not too much. When I get home I drink and feel mellow with energy to work out and or work around the house. Does he drink quote openly? I feel like these are two important questions to ask yourself to see where you are. It's also a depressive drink. Actually took about 2 years to even out after I stopped.. to be clear I was never on the wagon, just kept the booze to my days off for the past 4 going on 5 years... good luck man, and have fun but keep an eye on your health and be honest with your doctor. He also takes medication in the morning. I think you probably have to accept that he isn't going to stop drinking, but that doesn't mean you can't try to control the amount of alcohol that he has access to. I guess if someone is having much over the recommended number of units per week, I'd be worried about the health impact - but that wouldn't make someone necessarily an alcoholic, they could just be a university student. Even qualified doctors can't diagnose over the internet, so do bear that in mind when seeking or giving advice. His is 74 and definitely not 'losing it' (please excuse the expression!) How old are you. Either it makes you poor, or you have enough money to send me a bottle a month. My FIL was an alcoholic (although very few people would admit it - it would p me off that people would bring him bottles of whiskey as presents when they knew he had a problem) He found it impossible to have an open bottle of whiskey in the house, he had to finish it, unless he fell asleep before he got that far! Alcoholism is nothing to do with the amount and more with the effect the drinking is having on the person's life.If drinking is a consideration or a problem then it needs to be addressed. it doesn't matter about the amount of bottles it is the dependancy etc. Even though it is a drinking problem it’s really not creating any other problems for me. I usually leave work 5:30-6, get a bottle on the way and start from there. and has a 'wee dram' (not sure it's that wee!) Can you get him to equate falling over with the alcohol? How big of a bottle? I was nearby and rushed round and he had fallen in his coffee table and broken it. but when he falls he is generally disorintated and can't remember how it happened. Is your Dads cancer curable? If you have medical concerns, please seek medical attention; if you think your problem could be acute, do so immediately. LOL can you all post again now once you have read my other info! Which is it? Me and DS (13) got him to his feet, and as I was clearing away the bits of table for DH to fix at home I found another whiskey bottle hidden in a carrier bag. are going to stop him 'having a drink' then he 'might as well be 6 foot under' SIGH! His 'hobby' strikes again - when do mums get to have fun??

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