Now free to switch between desktop and mobile with quasi instant updates. I find the associations useful for encouraging identification/contextualization of where that knowledge sits in my current understanding and, periodically, discovering serendipitous connections. You don’t need to dump all functionalities of your phone to enjoy life. Deep in the throes of the seemingly unstoppable growth of tech, a modern-day Thoreau has emerged in the guise of Gerry McGovern-decrying the massive, hidden negative impacts of tech on the environment. To add to the list is NetBeans themes which elevate NetBeans to the next level. The problem is that it creates a read-only file that you can't edit-in-place. It's the same deal with lisps. I don't spend much time on it though. Curious, what kind of sync are you wanting for the mobile app? The documents are just part of the memorization and structuring. … Obsidian – A knowledge base from a local folder of plain text Markdown files, Obsidian is great. Jokes aside: if they wanted feedback on what's wrong with it they'd have made it free software. For example, I don't have any notes on tech library X, Y, Z. The publisher has not provided any information about the collection or usage of your data. Mainly because of the sheer amount of extensions available for VS Code. The app starts in under 3 seconds for me, barely uses any RAM and CPU usage remains stable and low. I agree. automating stuff via the API. It is a great theme with fine looks and font colors that will inspire your coding to the next level. Couldn’t agree more. It works great. It's also worth mentioning that that I don't aim to have notes on the book, I aim to have new concept notes or updating existing concepts with new information. are fine since they can be called that (X Markdown) and not just “Markdown”. ³è½¬åˆ°ç›¸åº”的文件(相当于智能的超链接),而且还可以查到谁(哪个文件)链接了这个文件,利用这种关系可以做出一个“知识图谱” I've been playing with this app for a few minutes, and it does appear to save everything in plain text files, so adding it to git would be straightforward. I often see people in this community being fans of note taking apps. I love my superior smug face when I'm on the bus and every other pleb is buried deep into his/her screen, while I ride astride with my zen halo glowing brightly, taking in the world, paying attention to squirrels being chased by cats and so on. It's right there, and it's really easy to set another one up. It’s a breeze to create organised notes with it and creating flashcards has never been easier. I am looking to move from Notion, looking for an alternative. I've never heard of Johnny decimals. I had a lot of problems with tiddlywiki, I never managed to get the self hosted html file version nor the php solutions to work. It contains coloring for JavaScript, Java, PHP, XML, HTML, and Groovy. Which yes, sure, but all the little tiny differences between all the different implementations can act as annoying papercuts. Markdown compatibility is cool, but what's even cooler is stringing these together to be able to create a new note in a specific folder with a template that contains some variables, and having all of that automatically added in an index note.

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