Because of this decrease in negative selection with age, and because of the absence of reproduction after menopause, alleles involved in women's late-onset diseases are generally considered evolutionarily neutral. 1), although Darwin does not seem to have discussed the problem. More recently, evolutionary biologist Joshua Mitteldorf has added a demography theory of aging based on population dynamics. The experimental corroborations of the prediction that the pattern of aging should evolutionarily respond to manipulation of the force of natural selection have already been mentioned. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2018; 58:127-197. Evolutionary theories of aging are genetic theories: they try to explain aging by relying on the selection of genes with positive or negative effects on aging (Williams 1957) or on the accumulation of mutations at old age (Medawar 1952). Theories of lifespan evolution are a source of confusion amongst aging researchers. Evolutionary theory has many applications in medicine. Evolutionary theory of aging. Reproductive Value and the Evolutionary Theory of Aging 183 start will be greater the greater the population growth rate A is, we can conclude that our eventual formula for Vx must somehow be proportional to A. and inversely propor­ tional to x. Abstract Evolutionary considerations predict that rate of aging should vary in direct relation to the mortality rate of presenescent young adults (extrinsic mortality rate) independently of differences in physiology, such as rate of metabolism. The purpose of this article is to provide students and researchers entering the field of aging studies with an introduction to the evolutionary theories of aging, as well as to orient them in the abundant modern scientific literature on evolutionary gerontology. We describe the development of the general … Evolutionary aging theories; Non-evolutionary aging theories; Programmed aging theories Definition The distinction in two groups of aging theories, non-evolutionary and evolutionary, derives from the non-consideration or consideration, respec-tively, of the evolutionism in the requirements of a theory. Foundations of Theories on Aging -Weismann proved that germ cells alone transfer the chemicals of inheritance to the next generation. . Aging is viewed as largely a consequence of tumor suppression mechanisms that evolved to keep cancer at a low enough incidence for successful selection and continuation of the species. Modern programmed theories of aging originated after the subsequent development of the alternative evolutionary mechanics theories. Cancer and evolution are themselves in a dynamic, competing equilibrium. Over the last forty years this field has developed important empirical foundations. While the theory might therefore have to be modified under certain circumstances, in the author's opinion, it still provides the soundest theoretical basis for thinking about how we age. The only satisfactory general theory for understanding the biology of aging is that provided by evolutionary genetics. In this theory, as individuals age, their continued survival contributes less and less to reproductive fitness, because less of their lifetime fertility remains. Medawar's Hypothesis on Mammal Aging . •Classical predictions expect higher extrinsic mortality to shorten evolved lifespan. Weismann’s ideas seem very cogent, even intuitive. The brain’s adaptive mechanisms were shaped by natural selection. The longest standing data pertaining to the evolutionary biology of aging naturally are its comparative …

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