China's main competition on that effort is the United States of America. Facebook. 3.3k. The Latin adage "si vis pacem, para bellum" states that if you want peace, prepare for war.But doing that successfully is much easier if you know when the war might occur. Seth G. Jones, Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran and the Rise of Irregular Warfare (New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2021).. America should bet on Bangladesh. Anticipating War With China, The U.S. Air Force Is Fanning Out Across The Pacific. By. In the first half of 2021, China carried out 20 exercises involving island capture - compared to just 13 in the whole of 2020. The scenarios for a war against China or Russia are easily imaginable. Is this a war cry or only a propaganda film to paint the US as its enemy? The defence drills stoked already rising tensions between the neighbours as a dispute over a chain of strategic islands threatens to escalate into open conflict. November 2021 (140) October 2021 (355) September 2021 (354) August 2021 (384) July 2021 (456) June 2021 (370) May 2021 (417) April 2021 (336) March 2021 (383) February 2021 (442) January . In fact there's a rabbit hole of scenarios made difficult by the split in the US military between pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces such as General Mark Millie, the 20 th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who is pushing the globalist/socialist critical race theory in the . China is Preparing its Citizens for War - You Should Not Ignore This! "China's massive investment in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) may show China is preparing to fundamentally change the status quo and preparing for possible war with the . China's massive investment in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) may show China is preparing to fundamentally change the status quo and preparing for possible war with the United States over . Share on Facebook Tweet Share to Gab Gab Share Gab Telegram Share Share Email. Email. The Chinese regime is hinting at war. . Communist China continues to build its military weapons and it appears the country may be preparing for war. Such wisdom has been used by many nations and powers throughout the centuries, and Taiwan is wisely preparing for war in a desperate effort to maintain the peace with the People's Republic of China (PRC) - as well as its de facto independence from Beijing. WORLDNEWSDESK 17 JULY 2021 HITS: 20838 China has issued unprecedented war threats against the United States and Taiwan through the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party. Joseph Wu, warned that Taiwan is preparing for . Is this a war cry or only a propaganda film to paint the US as its enemy? A Novel of the Next World War." . General Xu Qiliang, second in command of China's armed forces after Xi Jinping, believes a major war is "inevitable" because China is rising as a military power. To deter China, the United States must rapidly build up its forces in the Pacific, continue to . Thursday, June 10, 2021 by: Mike AdamsTags: America, biological warfare, CCP, chaos, China, Collapse, covid-19, cruise missiles, cyber war, (Natural News) Today's Situation Update podcast (see below) focuses on what I learned from JR Nyquist in a horrifying interview conducted yesterday (also posted below, separately). How the US military is preparing for a war with China. Taiwan says it's preparing for war as China sends a record number of airplanes over the island country. Is China Preparing for War? (@MoNDefense) October 4, 2021. More indicators that China is preparing for a hot war. By International Affairs Analyst Stan Grant. As it drafts its new national defense strategy, the Biden administration has argued that China is the pacing challenge that should drive U.S. military planning moving forward. There's nothing whatsoever to substantiate any rumors that China is preparing for imminent war. VIEWS. WhatsApp. Try refreshing the page . Early last week, China also made a direct NUCLEAR ATTACK threat against Japan, which was a story for Subscribers to this site… By Andrea Widburg. . There is no mistake about it, China has every intention of . December 4, 2021. Google+. China May Be Preparing For Nuclear War With The United States! And, he says, unless Canada and the West start demonstrating more strength, we will be falling right into China's trap. Although war would harm both economies, damage to China's could be catastrophic and lasting: on the order of a 25-35 percent reduction in Chinese gross domestic product (GDP) in a yearlong war, compared with a reduction in US GDP on the order of 5-10 percent. The PLAN's eight modern Type 071 landing docks and three Type 075 big-deck assault ships together can haul around 25,000 troops. Recently, though, the regime has been on a weapons testing binge. After President Joe Biden instructed the US Intelligence Community to redouble their efforts in probing the sources of the coronavirus outbreak, the editor of China's state-run Global Times reportedly warned that communist China must prepare for nuclear war with the US. The US and China are preparing for war — and Australia is caught in the crosshairs. By Joe Hoft Published October 12, 2021 at 7:10am Comment. U.S. Marines participate in an amphibious assault exercise in Chonburi, Thailand, in February . A problem occurred. Share Tweet Pin It Share. More ominously, in an interview with Australian broadcasting - ABC, Taiwan's Foreign Minister, Joseph Wu, warned that Taiwan is preparing for war with China and urged its Australian neighbor to help. Mon, Nov 29, 2021. It is not far away but at the door," she said. Yet they require an intellectual shift—a realization that the United States and its allies need to rapidly shut China's windows of military opportunity, which means preparing for a war that . Two weeks ago, North Korea successfully tested a new . Saturday 20 Mar 2021 at 11 . A China move or a massive financial collapse are also suggested. China's military takes charge of war powers with new defence law3 Jan 2021. Chinese forces strike U.S. allies, such . The self-ruled island has continued to prepare to repel any strike, and this week even asked Australia to increase intelligence sharing . Share on Facebook Tweet Share to Gab Gab Share Gab Telegram Share Share Email. China is preparing for war. After President Joe Biden instructed the US Intelligence Community to redouble their efforts in probing the sources of the coronavirus outbreak, the editor of China's state-run Global Times reportedly warned that communist China must prepare for nuclear war with the US. (Recorded Oct. 21, 2021.) China considers Taiwan an "inseparable part" of its territory, even though the Chinese Communist Party has never ruled the self-governing island.

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